14 December 2010


Holiday has been great till I realized that I needed to get my butt back by the 3rd of January in UiTM.I'm glad that I survived semester 3.My result wasn't really that bright seriously.Expectations from people just went down the gutter as I got woot.My mama knew about my result.She told me if I didn't put much effort next semester well :/ work harder go go go ;D My saham gugok bha aaa.
Alhamdulillah I didn't repeat any papers huuuhuu. Well I didn't expect much from my results because I was pretty much blur last semester, I don't know erh.Slap me watchaa haahaa.Anyway the past is the past I just have to live with it & bear with it right. I'll take this as a lesson for me for next semester :D
A valuable one ahaa.
I've been really lazy this holidays.Like really.My days with Zarith well, lately he's always wanting me to play badminton with him, poor him, no one to play with ekekeke.He also type notes on my laptop just to tell me to knock on his door at 12.30 a.m sharp -__-'' I mean like oh my so romantic with the note haha.Ada lagik I love you and I care about you so please come to my room.I know he just wants to chit chat, knowing him but 12.30 a.m it's late laa tidoo laa
Lu ingat ini cerita korea kaa??
Zarith is just totally addicted to my girlfriend is a Gumiho.I've never seen him being addicted to any Korean drama at all.Like aa yeah.He's like nervous because PMR result is probably out on the 23rd .Good luck baby wawa I du'a you'll ace your PMR ahaa;p
Tomorrow is the 9th Muharram & the next day which is known as Hari Asyura, 10th of Muharram.We are most welcome to fast on those both days uhuh ;D A lot of things happened on the 10th of Muharram ;)) So let's fast ;D mari mari puasa ;D 

Lately I'm always watching action movies which gives me adrenaline rush owh yeah bring it on :))

Les enfants terribles ,the little terrors -Gavarni.
 It's over :)


I'll scribble back right away :)