14 June 2011

I'm tired

What I'm going to post about is related to my work.So, if you feel it's annoying BACK OFF. I wrote this just to let go of it.
I'M SO FREAKING PFFFT.Whatever.I'm tired.My legs are about to fall off.Seriously. I'm sleepy.Tired.I'm tanned.
17 stumps which has problemS. Super great! The consultant decided that we have to RE-DO the Link!
 OH YEAH. DOUBLE THE JOB! The cost too :) You know the consultant was a friend of Harun, Our senior! We met him just now.Unbelievable. It's amazing how he still remembered us.HAHA
The footings are 2meters below the ground level.For two days all we did was dig the soil.
I feel like fainting today since it was so hot & loads of work to be done.
Because of the stagnant of water in the stump.For 2 weeks it's all about the 17 STUMPS.Bebual nyawa gitok eh!TENSION2.
I have yet to study the drawings.I'm tired.I miss studying so much :(
I'm sleepy.Night
this is miho :)

1 comment:

I'll scribble back right away :)